Thursday, April 4, 2013

2 Years in Californiaversary

Today marks my 2 year anniversary at Backblaze! And my 2 year and 3 day anniversary of moving to California. A lot's happened since my last yearly update. Since the last update, my website now has quite a few more views, but still under the magic 3-digit mark. In addition to some occupational accomplishments, including joining the marketing team at Backblaze and taking over the social media and online advertising aspects of Backblaze, there's been lots of cool non-work related things too!  Let's take a picturesque stroll down memory lane shall we?

The "new year" started with a trip to Denver to see some good friends and die whilst climbing rocks.

 I did a 30 mile bike ride. Pretty proud of that.

I bought fancy running shoes and started running. I shortly thereafter stopped running.

I met my literary hero, Dave Barry and took a silly picture with him.

Got to watch some of the America's Cup races from the water! Way cool!

Met my mom and dad in Istanbul and felt like a real jet setter! (Me on top of Suleiman's Mosque)

I took this neat picture after returning from Istanbul. That's San Francisco.

Met Doug Benson and was wearing a silly wig.

Traveled back to Iowa and took some senior pictures with my +Lisa ;-)

Had my car broken in to. Bummer.

Traveled to the Dominican Republic, decided that shame was optional.

Went to CES  and took a picture in my dream car, the Dodge Viper.

Flew out to South By Southwest and met Matthew Inman from The Oatmeal!

He drew this picture of me last year...

I also met Matthew Lesko. Infomercial enthusiasts know who he is.

I got to sponsor and MC the RootsTech 2013 conference in Salt Lake City, this is the Mormon Temple.

I got to play with my next phone before most people.

Still digging this place.

Here's to a great 2nd year. I don't know how it can possibly be any more eventful, but I'll be damned if I don't try my darnedest to make it even more rad. 


  1. congrats! and great pics of great adventures. I went to istanbul once, very unique city

    1. I loved Istanbul. Incredible place. Super cosmopolitan.
