Monday, April 23, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods - most fun you can have with your pants on.

Not much to say about this movie because if you say practically anything it will be ruined. Written by Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, this is absolutely not a horror film, but does have horror elements. That is practically all I can say about the movie.

It really is something that is best seen without knowing anything about it. If you can avoid the commercials/trailers for it as well. It is scary at parts, so know you will get a few scares, but they are telegraphed fairly well so it won't be difficult to know when you need to do the 'ol "look through the fingers" trick.

So lets do a little checklist:

Acting - Check (Bradley Whitfield is great)
Horror - Check (scary nightmarish creatures)
Comedy - Check (this is very much a Joss Whedon script)
Gore - Check (things get a little messy)
Evil Dead - Check (this has a very Evil Dead vibe, almost so much that I expected Bruce Campbell to pop in at some point).

That is all I'm saying. If you can stomach a smidge bit of scary time, this is by far one of the most fun movies I've seen all year (granted its before the summer blockbusters, but I strongly think that it will be a contender throughout the summer).

Please see this movie.  4.5/5 (very little could have been better, seriously).


A Cabin Floating In The Air

Sunday, April 1, 2012

1 Year Anniversary!

Happy anniversary to me! And happy April Fool's Day to you! Today marks the 1 year anniversary of
my moving out to California from Iowa. I remember it like it was only yesterday, my Altima was filled to the brim with my life's accumulation of crap. Since then much has happened! For example, that car is no longer with me, instead, I'm driving a brand new Kia Soul!
Alien Green 2012 Kia Soul
I've also gotten made into a cartoon, by an artist who I "met" while doing support for my company Backblaze and have since become "twitter friends" with! I've helped with our companies largest advertising campaign on reddit as part of World Backup Day (March 31st, backup your computers)! I've reduced the number of questions I ask at work from 20+ per day to about 4-5 per day (what I consider one of my greatest accomplishments). I have had the good fortune of representing Backblaze at conferences, conventions, and meetups.  I've found an awesome hot spring (Callistoga Hot Springs) less than two hours away from where I live! In addition to finding a hot spring, I've tried my darndest to find new restaurants, and continue my mission of seeing almost every crappy movie that comes out (I accidentally see some good ones as well).  I've explored San Francisco, gone down to LA, and have found time to keep on visiting Iowa as often as possible. I've also thought about getting healthier, which is a "step" in the right direction!

Oh, also I've launched a very successful website:, it has 4 views!

All in all it was a very good year and I'm excited to see where the next one will take me! Here's a few more pictures I've accumulated throughout the year!
I cooked this on my own! Yay! 

The End! 

More silly posts and reviews surely to come!